Friday, October 9, 2009


My friend and I are subscribing to a CSA from Full Circle Farm. CSA stands for community supported agriculture and it's basically a weekly or every other weekly basket from a local farm. Today was our first basket!! And it was seriously like Christmas or something we were so excited hahaha. In the basket were all sorts of peppers, eggplants, tomatillos, REALLY AMAZING cherry tomatoes and an adorable watermelon that you see in that there picture.

I'm really happy to be supporting super local and seasonal eating and it's all in my life-time resolution of eating better and eco-friendly. I'm thinking of also going "most-time" vegetarian. i.e. I'll cook vegetarian for myself and eat meat only on occasion like if it is offered to me at a friends house :). Wee~ Have a wonderful weekend ya'lls!

1 comment:

mandacakes said...


christmas morning on every thursday afternoon. WOOT

okay, maybe every other... ha!