Friday, September 19, 2008

Thought processor

I don't really have one particular thing I want to talk about. Here are a few strays that have just been a part of my train of thought.

1) I was driving on 680-N two days ago at about 8pm. it was part twilight part sunset and it was beautiful. Think of dark blues fading into bright aquamarine, swirled in with vibrant red and orange hues. i would've kept staring at it, but i probably would've veered off the side of the road and caused chaos.

2) I think I've given up my stronghold of "not being that kind of person." I think it's an excuse I use to stay comfortable. But usually taking risks and getting rejection is a lot better than not trying at all. This is important when it comes to meeting new people. It is time to expand my horizons a bit!

3) When I am at home I sleep way more and do way less but am way more tired. I think I need to run on a purpose.

4) I can't believe I'm going to be a senior. I am facing the final frontier of college-dom! Arghhh!! I hope this doesn't mean I won't learn anything. My learning-curve is for sure not as steep, but it's exciting to think about what God's got for me this year. I think one of the things is to not hide things. It's still something I struggle with because I don't want people to know the real me cuz the real me is full of defects and mistakes and silliness! But I am a work in progress.

What are you challenged with this days? What are you fruitful in?


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