Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's my party and i'll cry if i want to

Crying is so awkward. Someone starts to get wet eyes and all of the sudden we all freeze up and don't know what to do -- comfort the person? leave him/her alone? give a hug? give space?

I was curious as to what the purpose and function was of tears and found this on the one and only WIKIPEDIA!! this can explain it better than I can.

Anyways, I think crying is wonderful. For someone like me who tends to bottle things up, ignore or delay the exasperation of my feelings, crying is like releasing the flood gates and letting all those collected feelings meander out of my system.

The fact that the human body can trigger this hormonal release that is a physical sign tied to a person's emotions is pretty amazing.

I thought I was an invincible tower that only slightly shook at the sign of a storm. No turbulence could vex or faze me. I am used to bouncing back within hours, a day or two at most of being disturbed. But I realize I am just as weak and fragile as anyone else. And... that's okay.

My good friend Shuyin sent me this passage from a book by John Piper, Suffering and the Sovereignty of God:

"God is God. He exerts a high and purposeful sovereignty. But we often misapply God's sovereignty when it comes to actually helping sufferers--both ourselves and others. Here is a common misapplication: "God is in control, therefore what's happening is his will. You need to just trust the Lord and accept it. Ignore your feelings. Remember the truth, gird your loins, and get with the program." Somehow stoic conclusions are fashioned from a most unstoic truth about a most unstoic God!

It's okay to plea with desperation, to lose my cool and to just not know what the freaking hell is going on. I can say more but I think I'm just going to end here and enjoy my peace =)

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